
Tips For Motherhood – just do what is natural

Tips for New Mothers Hoping to Breastfeed

The process of breastfeeding is possibly one of the oldest in the world, with billions of mothers having done so in the past and millions more doing so to date. The nutrient rich milk produced by nursing mothers can be the ideal start to a new born child’s life; in fact, the majority of doctors recommend providing this natural milk as opposed to the store-bought alternatives.

Generally speaking, 3 out of 5 mothers opt to breastfeed within Australia (according to statistics). Of this amount, at least 1 in 3 complain of any one of the following issues whilst feeding their child naturally:

  • Pain as a result of consistent suckling
  • Awkwardness when in public
  • A feeling of discomfort as a result of breastfeeding stigma

The reality is that although there are certain issues that have arisen relating to breastfeeding, it is still one of the most natural activities that a mother can practice. For those that are concerned about feeding their children in a natural way, there are many reassuring factors to consider.

First, breastfeeding is entirely legal to practice in public; regardless of where the mother is choosing to do so. Second, the main issue about this activity relates to the discomfort and awkwardness felt by mothers that need to breastfeed their children. Thirdly, it’s also become apparent that many mothers aren’t able to easily produce milk on demand – and many leading medical experts put this down to the fact that the modern diet that so many are exposed to is taking its toll.

With that in mind, a good option for mothers can be to combat each issue one at a time – and a particular solution has become quite convenient for a number of reasons.

What is this solution?

Breast pumps. These handy devices are easy to use, very affordable and can all but eliminate the concerns felt by many mothers.

For a start, the pumps can be used to express milk from breasts in a comfortable way – and one that will allow the milk to be stored for use at a later date, or used immediately via bottle if the need arises. And that’s the second benefit; the fact that, because milk can be transferred from breast to bottle with relative ease, the insecurities and worries felt by many mothers needing to breastfeed publicaly can be negated.

Finally, and because of the tendency for many mothers to lactate at irregular intervals, the pumps can be used when milk is available – before transferring it for storage within a fridge to allow the baby to feed whenever it becomes hungry. The more that is expressed, the greater the volume of milk available will be – and this is something that many mothers breastfeeding directly won’t be able to take advantage of.

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